Your website begins with a thorough, up-front process of discovery. We develop a series of deliverables that allows us to work efficiently through the duration of production.

Our Work
Omega Group utilizes our expert team of website developers & digital strategists to develop a website for you that is designed to look great and increase user engagement.

Omega Group utilizes our expert team of website developers & digital strategists to develop a website for you that is designed to look great and increase user engagement.
Omega Group will tailor your website to the services that are the core of your business model and design your site in a manner that is consistent with your brand. It is our genuine care for each client’s success and our extensive research of each business and its particular market that leads to a successful website.

SEO Services
We stay up-to-date with what the search engines are looking for when presenting results to viewers and work with you to make your website even better. We check how quickly your pages load and whether or not you’re mobile friendly.
We also look at the content on your website. We guide the search engines to recognize what each page of your website is about so the search engines can present the best answer to searchers. We evaluate each page to be sure it’s focused on just one idea, then, using market data, choose a keyword to represent each page.
SEO CheckList
- Content is high-quality, relevant, fresh and at least 500 words in length.
- Target search phrase is included in page headline.
- Target search phrase is included in at least one sub-headline.
- Target search phrase is repeated three to 10 times within body copy.
- Page includes relevant images and/or graphics that help illustrate the target search phrase.
- Captions for images and/or graphics include the target search phrase.
- Location: Optimizing for specific country, state, city or regional names.
- No misspellings or poor grammar. Yes, the search engines downgrade for either.
- Inclusion of social media links and / or user discussion or reviews.